Paul Dudbridge – author, cinematographer, director, editor, producer & screenwriter

Author · Cinematographer · Director · Editor · Producer · Screenwriter
Paul Dudbridge has been making films since he was 11 years old when his father bought him a family video camera. After running around his back garden and making short films, he soon realised there was more to filmmaking than just pointing a camera and recording. He started learning about angles and editing, and the various other aspects that go into making a movie. Now, he works as a freelance director and cameraman, but when he’s not filming, he also teaches at colleges and universities around the country and finds it very rewarding working with up and coming filmmakers.
It was through teaching at the ITV West Television workshop that Paul met Simon Pearce, who was one of his best students.
After Simon left, they stayed in contact and collaborated on some projects together, in which Horizon (2015-2017) is their latest. With similar sensibilities and a passion for doing a more episodic storyline, it was a match made in heaven.
As an editor, Paul loves the process of sitting down in the comfort of an edit suite with a hot cup of coffee, and the need to just focus on the storytelling. Plus, there are no external variables like weather, traffic, or time limitations. In fact, growing up, Paul loved films like Back to the Future (1985) and Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) and saw the power of good editing used in these movies. “The editing in the finale of Back to the Future is simply amazing. The tension is palpable, and it got my heart racing every time I saw it.” Paul says “The cross-cutting in that sequence is simple but a wonderful example of the craft of editing.”
Other than producing films, Paul has also written several books:
Shooting Better Movies: The Student Filmmakers’ Guide, which shares all of Paul’s experience. And is an invaluable tool to all those who are looking to make it in the world of filmmaking.
Making Your First Blockbuster: Write it. Film it. Blow it up!, which is aimed at the professional filmmaker. Everything you need, from getting the script right, to the edit being tight, is laid out in an informal and easily digestible style.
David Axcell
Film Critic
David has quite a broad taste in film which includes big budget blockbusters and small indie films; including International and Arthouse cinema. As long as it’s good in that particular genre, he’ll watch anything.