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Simon Pearce – director, editor, producer, screenwriter & actor

4 Apr 2018 | Uncategorised

Director · Editor · Producer · Screenwriter · Actor

Simon Pearce had a taste of the filmmaking process from a young age as his mother was a make-up artist and his father a camera operator (both of whom would later work on Horizon). He was only 10 or 11 when he made his first short film with a friend. With nothing but the family camera, they shot their story in one day. Simon didn’t know what it was called then, but the whole process of planning the story and choosing the shots interested him and he knew then that directing was what he wanted to do when he grew up.

Simon continued to make films over the years and edited them together with more finesse and skill. He also loved the action-adventure genre and martial arts films.

After his studies, Simon predominantly worked as a freelance editor.

He finds the process of editing satisfying especially when he sees something come to life with the right cut or piece of music, and discovers nice surprises that weren’t even planned. Simon, along with co-director/creator Paul Dudbridge, is going to return to Horizon (2015-2017) to edit and combine both seasons into a single feature, as it was originally designed as one continuous story. He is hopeful that they can then seek distribution in the new year for Horizon as a feature length sci-fi indie.

Through this ambitious project, Simon has learnt a lot about what is achievable with a limited budget and resources and is developing his own, small-scale, feature projects to shoot in the coming years. He’s also learnt a lot about marketing and distribution and wants to combine business and creative aspects into projects that will ultimately be available for people to buy and enjoy on DVD, or even theatrically. Also, he has an action thriller script he’s working on, as well as something with Horizon co-writer Chris Marshfield, which he hopes to shoot later this year.

David Axcell

Film Critic

David has quite a broad taste in film which includes big budget blockbusters and small indie films; including International and Arthouse cinema. As long as it’s good in that particular genre, he’ll watch anything.